■ Continue to plant veg directly into the ground and under glass for a succession of crops;
■ Fit collars around the stems of young cabbages, cauliflowers and Brussels sprouts to deter cabbage root fly;
■ Earth up early potatoes;
■ Prune spring-flowering shrubs over three years old as they finish flowering;
■ Put new aquatic plants in the pond. They should be be placed either in the soil at the bottom or in special aquatic baskets;
■ Sow unusual annual climbers such as Ipomoea (morning glory), Cobaea scandens and Canarina canariensis (the Canary bellflower) in pots;
■ Feed blackcurrants, blackberries and hybrid berries with a high nitrogen feed;
■ Plant container-grown fruit trees;
■ Thin out overcrowded shoots on perennials such as delphiniums, lupins and phlox;
■ Sow and plant sweet peas outside;
■ Prune shrubs grown for their colourful foliage and give them a feed of general fertiliser. Water if it’s very dry.