Ferryhill Town Council opened the doors to the newly built toilets in the town centre today. Residents and visitors to the town welcome the additional facilities at a time when other councils are closing public conveniences.

Following a community appraisal in the town, the public toilets were one of the projects residents had on their wish list. The joint project with the former Sedgefield Borough Council cost £100,000 to complete. Ferryhill members of the former borough council pooled their community fund monies to have the toilets built.

A spokesman for Ferryhill market traders said, “The toilets are an asset to the town and should encourage more traders and visitors to Ferryhill. As well as the free car parking the town provides, people will be able to shop and visit without the threat of being caught short".

The toilets will be open six days a week, Monday – Saturday, 8am – 5pm. They will also be open for special events and functions in the town.