A MAYOR has defended his town for having one of the costliest library services in the country by saying education is vital to pulling Middlesbrough out of poverty.

A council scrutiny panel looking into provision in Middlesbrough has recommended that some of the 13 libraries should be closed based on low usage and where there was another facility nearby.

The cost of running the service across the town is £4.26 per visit, compared with £2.74 in Redcar & Cleveland, £3.05 in Stockton and £3.23 in Hartlepool.

"Therefore both locally and nationally, Middlesbrough's library service by comparison was regarded as one of the most expensive library services in the country," stated the report presented to the council's executive on Wednesday.

Councillor David Budd, Executive Member for Regeneration, said he saw no reason to close any of the libraries at present and the information gathered would be fed into a wider review.

Councillor Mike Carr, Executive Member for Children, Families and Learning, said libraries were one of the most important services a local authority could provide.

"Libraries play a big role in our society and we change that at our peril," he said.

The towns flagship Central Library has 6,900 active members with 12 branch, one village centre with only 20 regular users and a mobile service.

Councillor Barry Coppinger, Executive Member for Community Protection, said: "These locations will play a crucial part in our response to the challenge that we face in terms of the credit crunch."

Ray Mallon, mayor of Middlesbrough, added: "If we get extra government funding because we have social deprivation, then it stands to reason that one of the ways to get out of it is though education.

"If we are going to retain libraries then we are going to have to pay a bit more than other areas.

"Closing them sends out the wrong message to do with the life-long learning agenda.

"We have to keep our eyes on the future, as time goes by books will go straight on to the internet.

"We need multi-functional centres, if we get rid of one library we will not get it back.

"It is education that will help with the social deprivation that we have got here."