A DISPLAY of contemporary Chinese comics begins a five-month run in Durham tomorrow (MAY 2).

'Manhua: China Comics Now’, features more than 200 pieces of hand-drawn and digitally-created artwork which have featured in the country's distinctive comic culture in recent years.

It not only gives an insight into the 21st Century culture of mainland China, but also of neighbouring Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Durham University's Oriental Museum stages the exhibition, which will feature visits and workshops staged by some of the Manhua comic creators during the run, which ends on September 27.

The museum, in Elvet Hill, off South Road, is open daily, from 10am - 5pm, between Monday and Friday, and from 12-noon on weekends.

Admission is £1.50, or 75p for children aged five to 16 and for the over-60s.

It is free to students and under-fives.

Further details are available on 0191-334 5694.