NORTH-EAST ecologist Professor David Bellamy has agreed to present the prizes for The Northern Echo’s community environmental competition.

It will be the tenth successive year that Prof Bellamy will have presented the prizes for Making a Difference.

Sponsored by regional development agency One North East, the competition honours volunteers who are improving their environment in the agency’s area of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, County Durham and the Tees Valley.

Successful schemes over the years have included everything from residents improving streets, schools promoting green schemes and organisations supporting recycling, to volunteers running allotments and groups tidying up cemeteries.

Prof Bellamy, who lives in south-west Durham, said: “Making a Difference focuses on some of the best news that comes from the fabulous North-East. I am honoured that I have been asked again to officiate at the prize-giving for 2009.”

Last year’s winner was Steven Fox, who won the award for his sensory garden design at Broadgate Farm, near Esh Winning, County Durham.

The closing date for the competition is August 15, after which a judging panel will visit the shortlisted schemes and make a final decision.

The presentation of prizes – £500 and a trophy for the winner, gift tokens for the runners-up – is normally staged towards the end of the year.

If you wish to nominate your scheme for Making a Difference email and request an entry form.

The closing date for entries is August 15.