A COMEDY play aimed at girls and women is being staged in north Durham.

Stand and Tan is about bride-to-be Joanne and the hiccups she encounters when her dressmaker loses the tips of her fingers while working on the cheese counter in Fenwicks.

Her crisis is solved when Maryam, a woman seeking asylum from Iran, agrees to take over the pearl trim but her mother is far from pleased.

It is being staged at the Lamplight Arts Centre in Stanley on Wednesday 18 February at 8pm.

Louise Rushgrove, programme development executive at Leisureworks, which runs the theatre, said: "We are really excited to have such a fantastic comedy at the Lamplight.

"It’s the ideal way to brighten up these cold February nights, by getting out of the house and watching live entertainment that will have you in stitches. It’s set to be a real feel-good production."

The show by the Open Clasp theatre group, an all-female company that performs and writes all their own material.

Tickets cost £10 and can be booked by calling 01207-218899.