A CLEVELAND police officer has been seconded onto the Princes Trust Personal Development course with the aim of improving the skills of young people in the area.

For the next 12 weeks. Sergeant Christian Ellis will be working with 16-24 year olds who are not in employment to encourage them to take on new challenges which they may otherwise not experience.

He will be working alongside Gaynor Nicholson as a Team Leader at Redcar Fire Station.

Sgt Ellis said: "I hope the programme will persuade the young people to see the police in a new light and realise that we are approachable and we are there to help not just to enforce the law."

The programme will incorporate a week of induction to be followed by an outward bound course in North Yorkshire. The following week will be spent planning projects which can help others within the community.

The next team is due to start on May 11 at Redcar Fire Station. Anybody requiring any more information can contact Gaynor Nicholson on 01642-497108.