POLICE recovered about £4,000 worth of drugs during a raid on a flat on Teesside.

Officers from Hartlepool Drugs Unit executed a drugs warrant at the address in Wynyard Mews, which is in the Owton Manor area of the town, on Friday morning.

During the search a quantity of what is believed to be heroin and a large quantity of blue tablets, believed to be diazepam, were recovered.

Together they are thought to be worth around £4,000.

A 40-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A and class C drugs and has been bailed pending further enquiries and forensic examination of the drugs.

Sgt John Hemsworth, of Hartlepool Drugs Unit, said: "This was an intelligence-led operation.

Information received from the public on drugs activity in the town is extremely important to us in our fight against drugs and the misery they cause.

"I would encourage residents who witness any suspicious activity to call Hartlepool Drugs Unit on 01642-302126 or call the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111. All information we receive will be acted upon."