TIME travellers will be granted a passport to mark the 150th anniversary of the first service at Holy Trinity Church in Middlesbrough.

A history day is being held to celebrate the local heritage of North Ormesby with activities for all ages.

Visitors armed with a passport will get the opportunity to travel back in time through displays showing how the local area and the church would have looked.

The event on Saturday, February 7, supported by a 29,500 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, is part of a year-long celebration.

Childrens author Adam Bushnell will take visitors on a journey into olden days with his stories and tales and people can make Victorian Valentines cards and childrens toys. Time travellers can learn more about tracing their ancestors at Trinity Centre in the Market Square in North Ormesby between 10am until 3pm.

They can also bring along photos, memories and stories and record them on a giant community time line and memory board in the diary room for future generations. All completed passports will be entered into a prize draw.

Heather Black, who is co-coordinating the day, said: "We have been delighted by the huge amount of interest and help we have received in organising the event.

Individuals, groups and organisations have been genuinely excited by the idea of a community coming together to celebrate its history in this way and have given their support."

The event is being supported by Amy Tyler and North Ormesby Community History Group, Middlesbrough Adult Education Services, Middlesbrough Council Community Development, Middlesbrough Library Services, Teesside Archives and Trinity Youth and Childrens Project.

To find out more about the history day email info@trinitycentre.org or call 01642-271814.