A PACKAGE of support for the UK's struggling car industry will be unveiled by Business Secretary Lord Mandelson today, Downing Street announced.

The measures, which include both short and long-term help, will be detailed in a statement to the House of Lords this afternoon.

It comes just weeks after Nissan in Sunderland axed 1,200 jobs.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown's spokesman denied the package was a bail-out, but said it was vital to get a sector with a strong future through the immediate difficulties caused by the recession and on to a sound footing.

Lord Mandelson is setting out the assistance ahead of a crunch meeting tomorrow with industry representatives amid plummeting sales and mounting job losses.

The package was discussed at a meeting of the Cabinet this morning.

The Prime Minister's spokesman said: "Lord Mandelson and the Department have been making clear that, in our view, the car industry is a sector with a strong future.

"So not only are we in a position to provide some support to help them get through this difficult period but also, and this will be a very important part of the announcement, this is about how we provide the right support for them in the future."

Asked if it would include a cash injection, he said: "This is not a bail-out."

But he made clear that it involved money set aside last year as part of the Governments anti-recession strategy.

"Provision was set aside at the Pre-Budget Report for a number of subsequent interventions and we will be allocating some of that provision.

"This is helping what the Government believes are fundamentally sound companies get through a difficult period."