DURHAM’S Gala Theatre in Durham is looking for two local people who fancy sharing the limelight with the professional cast of Betrayal, when the theatre stages Harold Pinter’s classic in February.

Pinter’s slick and stylish play moves between several locations including a London bar, a hotel room in Venice, and an up-market Italian restaurant. Gala director, Simon Stallworthy said: "Our designer has come up with great set where pieces of furniture pivot and rotate to create the different scenes. "Rather than using our stage crew to come on and try to do the scene changes without being noticed, we’ll use two costumed stage assistants who will do the changes in full view of the audience. "They’ll be in smart, suited costumes and in the Italian restaurant scenes they will play the waiters, taking the character’s orders and talking to them on stage. "

The theatre is looking for two males aged between 30 and 50 who enjoy being on stage, and ideally, can sound authentically Italian. They need to be free for all performances from February 24 to 28 in the evening and a Saturday matinee on February 28, available for technical and dress rehearsals on February 23 and 24 during the day - and have some free evenings to rehearse in the previous fortnight. The Gala will pay expenses for the people playing the parts.

Auditions will be at the Gala at the beginning of February. If you would like to come along please get a registration form from Gala by emailing jalexander@galadurham.co.uk.