HUNDREDS of school books are being sent to an orphanage in Kenya.

The books are being despatched as a result of a trip to the African country by Ian Hodgson, Andrew Mason and Jack Frater after they left Barnard Castle School last year.

They set up Project Swallow, which raised £25,000 to build two playgrounds at the orphanage.

On their return, the project continued and another four North-East teenagers are now in Kenya building staff accommodation at the orphanage.

Yesterday, a 260kg consignment of books began its trip to Nairobi.

The books have been donated to Darlington Rotary Club from schools around Darlington and Stockton, when they updated their libraries.

Air freight handler CAMair, based at Durham Tees Valley Airport, agreed to fly the books to Kenya for cost price, where they will be collected by Kenyan Rotary Club members.

Tony Marshall, from the rotary club’s international committee, said: “It’s been a real international effort.

Funds are now being sorted to be able to send more out later this year.”