STAFF and students are celebrating after their college was graded best in the country.

Cleveland College of Art and Design is the best specialist further education art and design college in England, according to figures published by the Government Department for Children, Schools and Families.

College principal Martin Raby said the outstanding rating was a result of the hard work by staff and students, combined with their love of art.

He said: “Our results are excellent and prove not only that we have great students, but excellent tutors who get the best out of them. There is a great atmosphere when you walk through the doors of this college and that makes all the difference.

“Our students are here because they want to be. They show a great passion for their subjects and enjoy what they do.”

The college, which operates across two sites in Middlesbrough and one in Hartlepool, received a higher than average score for per student, based on their achievements.

It was also second in the country in a table of schools and colleges for added value.

The statistics are based on the students’ abilities before and after they leave college – the college was runner-up in England behind Hurtwood House, an independent school in Surrey.

Mr Raby said: “We don’t only recruit students with high GCSE grades, we want students with a love of art and design, whether that is textiles, graphics, photography, fashion or whatever course they choose, and we bring them on in an engaging environment.

“Ninety eight per cent of our students progress to higher education or employment and a lot prefer to continue their studies here because it is a relaxed and comfortable environment.”

Previous students include world famous artist MacKenzie Thorpe and Hollywood film director Sir Ridley Scott, whose credits include Alien, Gladiator, Thelma and Louise and Blade Runner.

Mr Raby said: “We have a proud and famous history here at the college and I am sure there will be many of our current crop of students who will also go onto great things.”