TWO of the region’s former senior police officers have joined forces to set up a private investigations agency.

Retired detectives Brian Dunn and Harry Stephenson are putting more than six decades of combined experience to good use by launching DST Investigative Consultancy Services.

Mr Dunn, 55, served with Cleveland Police for 30 years and Mr Stephenson, 53, was with Durham Police for 33 years.

Both retired as detective superintendents and each led murder and serious crime squads.

They ended their police careers leading their force’s professional standards teams investigating staff integrity from complaints about officers and civilian staff to deaths in custody and whistle blowing.

Both retired last year but did not want to waste their skills and experience and having worked with each other on joint operations decided to launch the agency.

Mr Dunn said: “Anyone can say they are a private detective, but we are professional investigators. We don’t want to be seen as PIs (private investigators) sitting behind bushes snooping on people.

“We want to give businesses and organisations the benefit of our experience.”

DST will specialise in investigation, complaints against police, policy and procedure and corporate investigations working for businesses, local authorities and financial institutions.

Mr Dunn and Mr Stephenson will investigate staff grievances, employee dishonesty, identity fraud and help companies prepare evidence.

They will also hold seminars and offer bespoke advice to companies about security measures to prevent fraud and corruption.

They will also help organisations set up internal investigation teams and to prevent or deal with issues such as workplace conflicts, breaches of procedures and criminal activity.

Mr Stephenson said: “We are used to dealing with changing legislation and will work with experts to offer bespoke advice, systems or seminars.

“Ignorance is no defence.

“A company boss may not know about immigration laws, but they have responsibilities and not facing up to them can lead to a hefty fine.

“Staff grievances can end up worse if the proper procedures are not in place and local authorities need to use their powers properly.”

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