A RUGBY player who was paralysed in an accident during a game four years ago died today, the Rugby Football Union confirmed.

Ali Johnson, 28, from Haltwhistle, in Northumberland, was paralysed when a scrum collapsed on him.

The accident, in September 2004, left him with a dislocated vertebrae and a damaged spinal cord. He died today after suffering a stroke last week.

Rugby Football Union President Brian Williams paid tribute to the enormous bravery and good humour of the Tynedale Rugby Club player.

He said: "My thoughts and those of all the Rugby Union fraternity at this sad time are with his family. Ali was obviously a very special lad who has shown immense courage in dealing with his problems.

Throughout his difficulties, he never lost his love of rugby and made trips to Twickenham and Kingston Park to watch England and the Falcons, as well as to Tynedale, where he remained in close touch with his many friends and former team-mates.

"The amount of support he received from Tynedale RFC in particular was immense and a testament to the calibre of the lad and the affection with which he was held at the club.

"I know how much his friends within the game and outside it in the North-East did to help him in difficult circumstances and my sympathies go out to them at a time when they will be deeply saddened by Alis tragic passing."

The RFU's pastoral care team had been in regular touch with Mr Johnson's family and even on the day of his stroke last week, a sports injury administrator was at the family home discussing the next stage of a house-building project for him at the family farm.

RFU Leisure Rugby Manager Alan Black, who has kept in constant touch with Mr Johnson and his family since 2004, said: "What impressed me was his courage and his bravery and the cheerful approach he managed to adopt throughout his difficulties."