The latest book in the Dad At Large series went on sale today - and it seems to be going well.

"Dad At large 4 - The View From The Doghouse" is based on my column about the highs and lows of fatherhood.

It's three years since the last book so it's a relief to have the new one finished.

It's on sale from Northern Echo offices for £5, with £1 for every sale going to the Butterwick Children's Hospice.

I'm having a photo, with the new book, taken at the hospice tomorrow as part of the launch publicity.

I've also got some book signings planned. The main one is between 12 o'clock and 3pm on Saturday December 20 in the main reception of The Northern Echo's head office in Priestgate, Darlington.

Come and say hello, buy a book and have a mince pie and maybe a glass of sherry.

I'm also signing books at the Darlington Head of Steam railway museum between 2pm and 4pm on Sunday December 7 and Sunday December 14. Santa's going to be there, as well.

My deputy Chris Lloyd is going to be with me at the museum on December 7, signing copies of his books, based on his popular Echo Memories column.

He must not be allowed to sell more books than me so please come and support me.

I hope to see you there. It's all in a good cause and, you never know, you might enjoy it.