YOUNGSTERS at a North Yorkshire school have found a name for their police force’s latest - and cutest - recruit.

Shadow, an 11-week-old German Shepherd puppy, is the newest member of North Yorkshire Police’s dog section.

Children at Sowerby Community Primary School, Thirsk, were asked to come up with a name for the female puppy, and the winning idea was chosen by Tom Dallaway, 5.

Shadow will live in Thirsk for the next 11 months with local Safer Neighbourhood Team Sergeant, Frances Hannan and husband, Chief Inspector Dave Hannan, under the force’s puppy walking scheme.

Sgt Hannan said: “The local Safer Neighbourhood Team regularly visit the school to talk to the children about safety and crime prevention. We thought this would be a great way to help the children relate to the police and show them some of the different aspects of policing.

“We are looking forward to being out and about with Shadow and helping her get to know the children and the local community.

“Part of the puppy walking scheme is to socialise the pups and get them used to being in a variety of different situations and with different people, in readiness for their future police careers.”

Headteacher of Sowerby School, Jean Yendall, added: “The arrival of Shadow has caused great excitement for the children and we feel honoured to have been chosen to name her.

“It is a good opportunity for the children to be able to interact with the police and break down any perceived barriers. It is also a great way to show them the varied aspects of policing and possibly even inspire one or two in their future career choices.

“We are all looking forward to hearing about Shadow’s progress, and future exploits as a fully-qualified police dog.”