MOTORISTS are being urged not to get behind the wheel whilst under the influence of drink or drugs this festive season.

Police forces across the region launched their annual drink drive campaign yesterday (mon) and warned the risks for innocent victims and offenders can be catastrophic.

The police and Government's annual Think campaign has a clear message this year- if you get caught drink driving you'll be processed like any other criminal.

Chief Inspector Graham Rankin, deputy head of Durham Constabulary's operational support unit, said: "Drink drive and there is a huge risk of ruining innocent people's lives if someone gets injured or killed and ruining your own life.

"Get caught or cause an accident and there will be a substantial fine, you can lose your job, licence, depending on the circumstances go to prison.

"We treat this very seriously so fail a breath test and you'll be arrested and treated as the criminal you are.

"We'll take finger prints, DNA, you'll be interviewed, go to court and face the consequences."

Last year in the North-East there were 11 deaths and almost 500 injuries on the road where alcohol was a contributory factor.

Andrew Johnson, head of transport for the Government Office for the North East, said that although the number of deaths due to drink drive accidents is falling it is still important to renew the warning.

He said: "Drink driving is socially unacceptable and the message is getting through but each year we have a new generation of drivers to warn.

"During the Christmas and New Year period the temptation can be greater to drink, even if people don't go out intending to, so we simply say- don't do it.

"This Christmas if you are going to drink leave the car at home."

Head of Cleveland police's road policing unit, Acting Inspector Gary Hatton, said all the emergency services are uniting this year.

He said: "We work all year round to try to get the message across, but some drivers just seem to ignore our pleas."

During a two month summer drink/drug drive campaign more than 200 drivers were arrested.

Acting Insp Hatton said: "Cleveland Police intends to do all it can to arrest those hardcore drink and drug drivers.

"I would ask every driver to imagine how they would feel if they killed their best mate, girlfriend or a family member. "Surely that is enough to deter anyone from drink or drug driving."

The campaign will run into the New Year and include random vehicle stop checks, enforcement, advertising and soft drink offers from Coca-Cola in 2,500 pubs across Britain.