PUPILS and teachers are celebrating after their school was described as "outstanding" following a visit from Government inspectors.

The Office for Standards and Education (Ofsted) said St. John Vianney RC Primary School in Hartlepool was like "one big family" as it praised the teaching and leadership standards, and the children’s behaviour.

The Ofsted report said: "This is an outstanding school. The key strength of the school is the combination of an inspirational headteacher and staff who are all working extremely efficiently together with clear principles.

"This results in a stimulating, challenging and caring context for every pupil to develop both academically and personally.

"Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school. Teaching and learning are outstanding. Lessons are superbly organised, with many opportunities for pupils to work independently, as well as carrying out purposeful and productive group work."

And pupil relationships also come in for praise in the report.

In a personal letter from lead inspector Margaret Shepherd to each of the children and their families, she said: "We think that you go to an excellent school. Your headteacher, the governors and all the staff work extremely hard to keep making it a better place. You work really hard throughout your time in the school and by the end of year six your standards are much higher than average."

Headteacher John Hardy said: "All the children, parents, staff and governors are delighted with the outcome of the recent inspection.

"We all work very hard to do the very best for our children and to ensure that the school is at the heart of the local community. For me, the best line of the report was contained in the lead inspector’s letter to children which described us as one big family."