What are you doing!?

Saturday 15th November saw the launch of Darlington Youth Service’s new mobile facility, the www bus. We were in the town centre during the day, speaking to young people about what they do on their Friday and Saturday nights and if anything, what they’d rather be doing.

It seems that a lot of young people simply enjoy hanging out with their friends at each other’s houses or on the streets. Some young people in fact, enjoy doing this so much they wouldn’t rather be doing anything else! Others said they like to wind-down at the weekend and simply chill out and watch TV or speak to friends on msn.

Sporty activities such as swimming, go-karting, rugby, paint-balling and rock-climbing are examples of things young people would love to have more of a chance to do if they could. One person suggested it would be great if trips could be organised to places such at the Metro Centre or Lightwater Valley, as transport limits what young people can do with their weekends.

It was highlighted that there isn’t really a lot of places that young people can go after school or on the evenings on Fridays and Saturdays. One person suggested it would be a good idea if venues, which are already popular with young people, such as Starbucks, could stay open later on the weekend, especially for young people; keeping them off the streets. Someone else highlighted that the prices at places such as that are often out of reach of young people’s pockets!

What about you? What do you do on your Friday and Saturday nights? Or what would you like to do? Please comment on this article and have your say…

Sadie McCartney and Liam Spencer