UP to 1,300 jobs could be created within two years after plans for an airport business park were approved.

The site for business startup units related to airport industries is one of two applications to have been approved at Durham Tees Valley Airport.

Darlington Borough Council planners gave approval for the business park, as well as a 100-bed hotel on a separate site at the airport.

Sven Investments, the development team behind the £26m business park to the north of the airport, has since announced it could create up to 1,300 jobs.

It hopes to start work on the development, to be known as Skyline Business Park, next autumn and have it ready for businesses in late 2010.

When the plans were approved, one councillor on the planning committee, Charles Johnson, said the site needed developing soon.

Sven Investments’ bid was delayed earlier this year after newts, frogs and toads were found to have moved in on the previously half-built leisure complex.

A survey was conducted and a rescue mission mounted to save the amphibians. A wildlife area has been created in the plans.

Steve Barker, from Prism Planning consultancy firm on behalf of the developers, said: “As soon as we informed our client, the developer, that wildlife had been discovered, they agreed to fund the rescue by specialists.

“The derelict swimming pool was clearly not a natural habitat for newts and the drainage chambers were traps – some of the amphibians had already died before we found them, while others were rescued in an emaciated state.

Peel Holdings’ plans for a 100-bed hotel to the west of the airport were also approved at the same meeting.

Airport officials said an international hotel brand for the £8.5m hotel, as well as a timescale, would be announced soon.

Peter de la Perrelle, director of Peel Holdings, said it would be Peel’s third hotel following one at Robin Hood Airport, in Doncaster, and Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport.

Joe Docherty, chief executive of Tees Valley Regeneration said: “This news is additional evidence as to how well development plans for Durham Tees Valley Airport are progressing.

“We look forward to realising further significant milestones in the new year.”