POLICE are urging members of the public to be alert following the theft of a large quantity of medication from a house.

The haul of pain relieving drugs were stolen from a house in Millwood, Chilton, in County Durham, this morning. (tues) Officers have warned that the stolen medication will be harmful if taken by anyone other that the person for whom it was prescribed.

The haul included a 300ml bottle of morphine sulphate oral solution, with the brand name Oramorph, and 42 Trifluoperazine tablets.

A dosette box containing seven of each of the following- Gliclazide tablets, Rosiglitazone Maleate tablets, Tamsulosin hydrochloride capsules and Omeprazole capsules- was also taken.

If anyone comes across any of the drugs they are urged to contact police on 0345-60-60-365.