A Durham care home celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day with an indoor ‘street party’.

DurhamGate Care Home put the celebration on for residents with a special guest performance from the facility's front-of-house manager.

Dressing in traditional 1940s attire, Samantha sang songs from the era, delighting the residents with a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

She said: "It was an honour to perform for my residents for such a special event and to hear the stories they have to tell about their connections to the day itself back in 1944."

She also revealed that this was the first time the residents had seen her in her 1940s outfits and said they loved it.

One resident, Margaret, was so impressed with Samantha's styling she requested a similar look.

(Image: DurhamGate Care Home)

The event allowed residents to reminisce about their loved ones who participated in the World War II Operation Overlord.

One resident, Norah, aged 96, shared a moving story about her cousin who served in the Navy.

Similarly, another resident, Renee, aged 96, reflected on her brother's experience serving in the medical corps.

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True to the spirit of a street party, The DurhamGate Care Home, which is part of Adore Care Homes, provided an afternoon tea for the residents.

Family members also found the celebration touching.

Jill Windsor, niece of a resident, said: "That was an absolutely fantastic afternoon, and we were over the moon to be part of it.

(Image: DurhamGate Care Home)

"The food was beautifully presented and delicious as per usual, but the star of the show was Samantha, what an incredibly beautiful voice and person she is."

Ms Windsor also pointed out how especially impactful the event was for her aunt Elizabeth who is suffering from dementia, saying: "My aunt Elizabeth who is suffering with dementia was literally brought to life.

"A joy to see and brought a tear to my eye.

"Thank you to Karen, Samantha and all the carers for their hard work and kind natures."