Six in ten adults in the North East who consume alcohol are now taking measures to control their intake according to research from Balance.

In a recent poll, it was revealed that 82 per cent of residents believe there is a necessity for health campaigns highlighting the dangers of alcohol consumption.

New research into this behavioural shift as Balance launched another phase of the award-winning "Alcohol is Toxic" campaign on June 10.

This campaign aims to shed light on the fact that alcohol is a carcinogen, causing at least seven types of cancer, including bowel, breast, mouth, and throat.

The campaign, developed with assistance from medical professionals and Cancer Research UK, maps out the journey of alcohol through the body, illustrating how it mutates cells and causes tumour formation.

This stage also coincides with Euro 2024 and follows shockingly high alcohol death rates in England, which have risen by 33 per cent since 2019, the worst in the North East.

However, findings by Balance also suggest that people are striving to reduce their alcohol intake.

62 per cent of adults who drink are now working to control their consumption, up from 47 per cent in 2022.

Implementation of alcohol-free days is the preferred approach to reducing consumption for nearly half of these individuals.

Meanwhile, the number of abstainers in the North East is up, from 12 per cent in 2022 to 15 per cent.

The figures surrounding alcohol's impact on health and society remain high, especially in the North East which saw the highest rate of alcohol death in the country..

In 2022, a record high 10,048 alcohol deaths occurred in the UK. This marked the highest ever recorded and a 33 per cent rise since 2019.

Alcohol is suspected of causing about 740,000 new cancer cases worldwide and 17,000 in the UK in 2020.

In response to these statistics, Susan Taylor, Head of Alcohol Policy for Fresh and Balance, said: "It is encouraging to see such a strong appetite for vital health information around alcohol so people can make informed decisions about their drinking – including understanding the risks."

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She further stressed the importance of campaigns like Alcohol is Toxic, which allow people to make informed decisions and potentially reduce harm to themselves and society.

Dr James Crosbie, Clinical Lead for Alcohol in the North East and North Cumbria, said: "Alcohol is a group one carcinogen, which puts it in the same group as tobacco, asbestos, and radiation.

"The fact is that even one drink a day increases your risk."

Former frequent drinker Matty Arnell shared his experience: "Alcohol was like a comfort blanket to me, to escape reality – but when I lost my job, that was the turning point.

"I went sober for five months and now have a much better relationship with alcohol."