The Northern Echo has now launched its Best Chippy 2024 competition - and your favourite chippy needs your support!

Voting is now open - but while we wait to find out who will be crowned as the best chippy for 2024, we're featuring one of the finalists every day for the next ten days.

Today we visit FRYDAYS, in 125 Salisbury Terrace, Darlington, owned by Kam Aujla.

Kam has a background in HR, working for one of the largest council's in the country, but says he's brought his friendly, customer service background to his fish and chips business.

He said: "I've been here since 2008, but as a family we've had experience in the industry for 25 years. 

"We've got a great location, close to both the town and the hospital, so as well as getting our regular customers, we also get lots of passing trade from students, people visiting at the hospital, and people driving past.

"It's a good area with a strong community vibe as there's lots of other shops and businesses."

Something which sets FRYDAYS apart from other chippies in the area is that they don't use meat dripping, instead favouring vegetable oil in his fryers - something Kam says is healthier, and makes his food suitable for vegetarians.


He said: "There's a lot more people who want to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet now, and we can cater to that. 

"Obviously that makes our chips vegan, and we serve vegetable burgers. We also make our own fish cakes, and we do an amazing marsala fish, which is marinated before we fry it to give a delicious flavour.

"We have a great relationship with our suppliers, which we've used since day one. We use sustainable fish from a local merchant, seasonal potatoes.

"Coming from a customer-facing background, I know the importance of making customers feel welcome and valued - and it makes the job even more enjoyable."


Contact: 01325 382270

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday: 12 to 1.30pm; 5pm to 8.30pm

Friday: 12 to 1.45pm; 5pm to 9pm

Saturday: 12 to 1.45pm; 5pm to 8.30pm