The investigation in Esh Winning continues after armed police raided a property.

On Wednesday morning, police stormed a house in Front Street, which included a business premises and residential flat.

Residents reported how a property was put “under siege” after being surrounded by gun-toting cops - with pictures showing armed officers dressed in black beside a door. 

White-suited investigators carried out a probe of the property after three arrests were made.

(Image: UGC)

A police cordon at the scene has now been lifted.

A Durham Police spokesperson said: "An investigation is continuing following a police operation in Esh Winning yesterday.

"On Wednesday morning, police executed a warrant at a property in Front Street, which included a business premises and residential flat.

"Police search teams have continued their activity at the scene during the course of today and have removed a number of items, including suspected firearms and components.

"Two men and a woman who were arrested during the initial search operation have been bailed pending further enquiries.

"A police cordon at the scene has now been lifted.

"However, due to the conditions found inside the premises, police have urgently reported the situation to the appropriate environmental health authorities for a decision on potential enforcement action."