North East residents took part in D-Day events today (June 6) to mark the eightieth anniversary of the Normandy landings. 

The country commemorated the event today which marks the 80th anniversary since the allied forces stormed the beaches during World War Two.

People from across County Durham, the Tees Valley, Tyneside, Northumberland, and North Yorkshire all took part in the commemorative event.

The streets and shop windows of Thirsk were adorned in memorial decorations – with the street covered in yarn bombers.

Meanwhile, a D-Day reconstruction event was held on the beach at Redcar to mark the occasion and pay tribute to those who took part in the fighting.

Wreathes were laid at Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle next to a memorial, while a mock World War Two field kitchen was erected at Woodleigh.

The Barnard Castle School Cadet Force took part in honouring those who took part in D-Day at Woodleigh, while the Town Crier made the second proclamation backed by the youngsters.

In Darlington, St Cuthbert’s Church hosted a special service, including the ringing out for peace event from 6.30pm, proclamations, tributes and performances by members of The Royal Signals (Northern) Band.

Meanwhile, Care UK’s Ventress Hall, on Darlington’s Trinity Road, welcomed local people to honour the 80th anniversary of D-Day with its very own lamp lighting ceremony.

Singer Claire Louise entertained residents and visitors at the care home to mark the event.

A civic beacon ceremony, hosted by the mayor of Stockton, Councillor John Gardner, will be held from 8.45pm to 9.25pm, in the Parish Gardens, Stockton.

It will include tributes from the mayor and deputy lord lieutenants of County Durham and North Yorkshire, and a performance from Rhapsody, a professional female choir.

The event will conclude with the lighting of a beacon in Parish Gardens at 9.15pm aimed to symbolise peace, and light after the darkness of the war.

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Stanley Town Council will unveiled a new memorial recognising the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landing on Stanley Front Street.

In North Yorkshire, beacons will be lit at Middleham Castle and Bedale Park to commemorate the event.

Here are some pictures from today’s memorial: