LOOKING back to the week that was June 3 to 9, 15 years ago...

A £400,000 house built without planning permission was finally to be torn down, 15 years ago.

The demolition of the property in Ingleby Arncliffe, near Northallerton, North Yorkshire, brought an end to a long-running planning dispute.

Read more: Small-scale reconstruction of D-Day landings to be staged on North East beach

Hambleton District Council placed a demolition order on the house in 2005.

A series of planning appeals and legal challenges were then lodged and lost by the former owner of the building, Peter Howell, of Elton, near Stockton.

The council decided to press ahead with the demolition order after ruling that the house was "dominant and visually intrusive by virtue of its height, bulk and colour" and that it was "not in keeping with the general character of this part of Ingleby Arncliffe".

Construction started on the region's biggest school buildings investment programme in June 2009.

Staff and pupils were getting excited about the cutting-edge technology that would fill their new classrooms.

The days of overhead projectors and wipe clean boards were consigned to the history books by a new generation of teenagers who would learn through wikis, robots, podcasts and interactive tables.

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The redevelopment of Acklam Grange School, in Middlesbrough, was the first phase of a £100m overhaul of secondary education across Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough Learning Centre (MLC), in the grounds of Acklam Grange, combined architects' plans with Second Life, a 3D world, to create the world's first virtual school.

Headteacher John Bate said the internet programme would enable staff to decide the best positions for the 65 CCTV cameras, where smokers' corners might form, and pinpoint exactly where bottlenecks in corridors could be created.

A school in Northallerton celebrated its centenary with events for pupils and staff, from both past and present.

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Applegarth Primary School invited former students to remember their school days at an open day, where they visited their old classrooms and could look at photos of the school from the past 100 years.

The photographs were donated by former pupils and local residents and form part of an investigation by the children into their school's history.

The pupils, aged between four and ten, also celebrated the occasion with a birthday party on the actual day of the centenary, June 8, 2009.