This is the face of a violent thug jailed for attacking two women, leaving both of them with broken bones.

Jonah Rochester, 29, of Hartlepool subjected his victims to separate violent attacks in May and July last year.

He left one of the women with a broken hip, and the other with a broken leg.

Appearing before Teesside Crown Court this week he was jailed for nine years and three months.

After being arrested and charged, Rochester was previously found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm, assaulting an emergency worker, causing grievous bodily harm with intent and intentional strangulation.

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Detective Inspector Louise Sproson from Hartlepool CID said: “Rochester is a violent individual who caused significant injuries to his victims.

“Cleveland Police welcome this lengthy sentence which will give him time to reflect on what he has done.

"Together with the support of victims we can bring offenders to justice and keep the community of Hartlepool safe from individuals like Rochester.”