Jeremy Clarkson and James May have both publicly commented on the latest rumours involving them.

The celebrity pair are well known for starring together on car shows Top Gear and The Grand Tour over the years alongside fellow presenter Richard Hammond.

These days they have gone their separate ways professionally with Clarkson pursuing his Oxfordshire farm and May focusing on his pub in Wiltshire.

The Northern Echo: James May and Jeremy Clarkson.James May and Jeremy Clarkson. (Image: PA Photo/Amazon Prime)

Despite this, the two celebrity’s paths have crossed again as both have had their faces used in a cryptocurrency scam online.

On Saturday, March 23, Clarkson posted on X and said: "To be clear. James May and I are not endorsing any kind of cryptocurrency.

"I don’t even know what cryptocurrency is.

"But it sounds ghastly."

Then on Monday, May 13, James May added: “Thank you to everyone who has alerted me to the scam crypto ads using my face. I reported it a few days ago. Not heard anything yet.

Yet fast forward to this week and the issue seems to remain unsolved with the presenter tweeting on Tuesday: “Still not heard anything from X about the scam ads using my face. @ElonMusk.”

James May also recently downplayed the possibility of working with Clarkson or Hammond again.

Speaking to Unilad, he said: “I think people would only really like us doing cars, despite what some people say - ‘Oh, I think you should all go off and do cooking or you should all go and do a podcast about nothing.’

“But I don’t think so, I think we should let it lie, what we did.”