A woman who used a child’s pram in a bid to carry away stolen goods has been jailed after a judge told her that her ‘chances had run out’.

Danielle Rochford and her co-accused were spotted by a neighbour climbing through the window of house under renovation and the police were called.

Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court heard how the 36-year-old was soon arrested after stealing an electric saw, paint, and paint brushes from the house on Carrside, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.

Syeda Begum, prosecuting, said Rochford and her partner, Kevin James, were caught stealing the items on last week when their behaviour caught the attention of the neighbour who called the police.

She said: “They said there was a male and female entering the property through a window.

“Footprints found inside the property were a strong match with the footwear the defendant was wearing.”

Miss Begum said all of the stolen items were recovered by the police.

In a victim personal statement, the homeowner said he is now anxious about moving into the house once all of the renovation work is completed.

He said: “I’m feeling very anxious about whether this could happen again. I’m not residing there currently and the cost of the extra security is going to land on me.

“I am now stressed around the issues this is causing for me.”

Rochford, of Cotswold Avenue, Chester le Street, pleaded guilty to burglary of a dwelling following her arrest on May 14.

An update from the Probation Service confirmed that the defendant was not engaging with a community order imposed at court earlier this year.

Georgia Wilkinson, mitigating, said her client was effectively homeless at the time of the burglary and had started abusing drugs and alcohol again.

“She had been living in a tent but that had suffered fire damaged,” she said. “It was an empty property which was being renovated at the time and all the goods were recovered.”

District Judge Steven Hood sentenced Rochford to a total of 30 weeks in custody after telling her that her ‘chances had run out’.

“You were with another person and had a pram with you which was used to facilitate the burglary,” he said.

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“You record shows to me that you were before the court in August last year and you were given a community order and the drug rehabilitation requirement, sometime later you committed further offences and came back before the court.

“You didn’t comply with that order but the court gave you a second chance and imposed a community order in March and you have then committed this burglary.

“You have shown no commitment to the community order and your chances have run out.”

Her co-accused, Kevin James, of Newton Drive, Durham, will be sentenced at a later date after admitting the same offence.