A man who got drunk before starting his birthday celebrations was arrested after he became a nuisance to police following a crash.

Lewis Johnson was the rear seat passenger in a car that was involved in a collision on the A690 in County Durham before repeatedly swearing at police officers.

A judge told the 23-year-old that his birthday celebrations clearly had gone the way he had expected when he woke up in a police cell.

Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court heard how Johnson initially asked a police officer for his jacket because he was cold before becoming abusive when he refused his request.

Syeda Begum, prosecuting, said: “The defendant has got out of the rear of the car and asked the officer if he could have his jacket as he was cold – he was clearly intoxicated.

“The officer refused and he started swearing at the officer before getting back into the car.

“He then got back out and again swore repeatedly and was warned about his behaviour. He was swearing directly at the officer and was duly arrested.”

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Johnson, of Auckland Avenue, Darlington, represented himself during the hearing after pleading guilty to being drunk and disorderly on April 19 this year.

He said: “I went out to celebrate my birthday and the next thing that I can remember is waking up in the cell.”

District judge Steven Hood said: “This was a birthday night you would want to forget. You didn’t even get there for your birthday and to then to wake up in a cell was not what you were expecting.”

Johnson was fined £40 as well as being ordered to pay court costs of £85 and a £16 victim surcharge.