A County Durham shop has been ordered to close for three months and was slapped with fine of nearly £1,400 after thousands of pounds of illegal vapes and cigarettes were found by inspectors.

Inspectors from Durham County Council found the illegal products at Shop & Go on West Road in Annfield Plain following test purchases and previous visits.

Cigarettes, hand rolling tobacco and vapes were seized which did not have the correct packaging and health warnings. The size of the tanks of the vapes were more than the legal limit.

The Northern Echo: Seized tobacco products.Seized tobacco products. (Image: DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL)

Some 246 packets of cigarettes (4,920 individual cigarettes), 106 pouches of 50g (5.3 kg) hand rolling tobacco and 187 vapes were seized - worth more than £8,000.

In one inspection, some items were found in an engine compartment inside a vehicle at the shop.

The estimated value of the cigarettes and tobacco was £2,502. Sold lawfully, they would have had an estimated value of £6,328.36. The estimated illicit value of the vapes was £1,860.

Officers were told by the owner that the findings were due to a "rogue employee" who had been sacked. However, during a following visit to the premises, officers made a further test purchase.

Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court granted a three-month closure order for nuisance in relation to the sale and possession of illicit tobacco and non-compliant vapes.

Shop & Go was ordered to pay £1,398 costs.

Gary Carr, Durham County Council’s strategic regulation manager, said: "Illicit tobacco has a detrimental impact on our communities.


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"It has links to organised crime, can harm people’s health, and makes it easier for young people to obtain unsafe items. It also has an impact on businesses in the area which are compliant.

"We will continue to work with partners to tackle anyone selling illicit tobacco products and non-compliant vapes.

"This case should serve as a warning to non-compliant businesses that they face the risk of closure and being taken to court if they are found to be selling illicit products."