Two sporting sisters from County Durham are excelling at their respective sports by competing on a national level – with one setting her sights on the national skiing championships and another making her mark on the rugby pitch.

The Arnott sisters from Bishop Middleham, County Durham, dedicate hours of training each week to their sports.

Phoebe and Mae’s proud parents Johanna and Carl have juggled taking them to sports sessions with looking after their brother Alex, who has cerebral palsy and requires round-the-clock care.

Phoebe, 14, is a competitive slalom skier who trains with the Ravens Tigers Ski Raving and Development Club at Silksworth dry slope in Sunderland.

The Northern Echo: Phoebe Arnott.Phoebe Arnott. (Image: EMILY CAREY)

She recently returned from Norway where she training with a national squad and in the last 18 months has qualified for the All England Championships securing eighth place in the under 14s slalom race.

She intends to enter further club and national competitions to improve her seed points and secure a place at the British Championships in Scotland this year, and hopes to compete at the English Alpine Championships in Bormio, Italy, in 2025. 

Phoebe, who is in Year 8 at Durham High School, said: “I enjoy skiing because I like the feeling of going through the gates! I also like the community around me - everyone is so friendly. I was so happy when I was chosen to represent Durham High School on the English Schools Ski Association team. I felt proud.”

Meanwhile, Mae, 16, who is in Year 11 at the school, has been with England Rugby Girls’ ‘Developing Player Programme’ for the last two years and currently plays four Houghton Rugby Club,

The Northern Echo: Mae Arnott.Mae Arnott. (Image: PR)

Dad Carl, a former rugby player who coaches at Houghton, said: “Mae spends a lot of time and effort doing her club training and her strength and conditioning through the developing player programme.

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“Both girls have fantastic attitudes to their chosen sports. It’s really nice as a parent to see them trying really hard and developing well. As a coach I see how hard Mae trains, as does her sister.”

Proud mum Johanne added: “Watching the girls excel in their sports is great for us as a family. Our son, Alex, has required a lot of our time, particularly when the girls were young, because we didn’t have any help with his care.

The Northern Echo: The Arnott family/The Arnott family/ (Image: PR)

“Now he has carers to support him it’s allowed us to focus on our girls and really encourage and support them.”