A charity that supports victims of domestic violence has shared its concerns about a County Durham venue holding a Valentine's Day event where punters are invited to throw axes at photos of their exes for “a laugh.”

For £22 per person, customers at The Axe House in Spennymoor can also pin other items such as wedding dresses and suits to the target boards in "Axe the Ex."

Guests are given the chance to choose from 18 throwing implements such as standard hatchets, 4lbs felling axes, ninja stars, knives and shovels.

But now Women's Aid has accused the attraction of "trivialising domestic abuse".

Spokesperson Teresa Parker said: "While an event like this might seem light-hearted and fun to many, to those who have experienced domestic abuse, it can send a very different message.

"We know at Women’s Aid that post-separation is the most dangerous time for survivors of domestic abuse, with that being the time where abuse can increase and women are most likely to be killed – and this event encourages people to throw axes at photos of their ex.

"The organisers need to be aware that even if it is not their intention, for women who are scared of their partners and fearful of their lives, this event could be seen as trivialising domestic abuse.

"We’d encourage them to think about this in their promotion of the event, and how the event itself runs on the day."

What is ‘Axe the Ex’ at The Axe House?

Brothers Chris and Callum Tingle said they decided to set up "Axe the Ex" as a "tongue-in-cheek" idea for those not celebrating Valentine's Day.

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Chris said: "Not everyone wants to celebrate Valentine’s with chocolates and candles and all the other fluffy stuff.

"Some people might be single, might be choosing to hang out with friends or colleagues.

"We’re offering a tongue-in-cheek event to entertain and make what could be a depressing evening for singletons, a really good laugh.”

"Axe the Ex" runs until Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 14.

If you have been affected by the events in this article, visit the Woman's Aid website for advice and information.