Durham Police say they are tackling anti-social off-road biking in parts of the region as part of an ongoing initiative. 

Chester-lee-Street local neighbourhood policing team have issued four antisocial vehicle notices (known as a traffic 183).

Three out of the four were given to individuals riding electric bikes in the area around Waldridge Fell and Congburn Wood.

The Northern Echo:

Two off road bikes were also seized by officers after they attended an incident involving the bikes where they had been riding on the road.

The bikes did not have the correct registration marks or insurance so were seized by officers under their Operation Endurance initiative.

The two bikes will be crushed as the force takes a zero-tolerance approach.

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Users of off-road bikes for anti-social purposes have been warned that the police will continue to target and seize bikes/vehicles that are being used in an anti-social manner within our communities.

If you are suffering from nuisance riders of off-road bikes, then you can help Durham Constabulary Intelligence to locate and remove these off-road vehicles.