A man with a "flagrant disregard for people and their property" has been jailed after going on a crime spree, including several thefts from shops.

Stephen Wray, 23, of Wilkinson Road, Peterlee, appeared before magistrates at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court, shortly before Christmas.

He was charged with the theft of five coats from New Look in Peterlee on December 6, the theft of two coats valued at £100 from the same store in Peterlee on December 11 and a further three coats worth £150 from the same store on the following day.

Wray was further charged with the theft of food products of an unknown value from Greggs in Hordon on December 6 and with using threatening/abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress in the store on the same day.

He was further charged with making off without making payment for £25.34 of unleaded fuel in Peterlee on November 25.

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He was accused of a theft of a box of Kit Kat worth £31.90 duos from Sainburys, in Peterlee and with the theft of six packs of chicken worth £50 from Sainburys in Horden on December 17 and the attempted theft of coats worth £240 belonging to Regatta in Murton on November 29.


He pleaded guilty to all the charges when he appeared before magistratres on Wednesday December 20.

Wray was sentenced to 12 weeks in jail.

Magistrates noted the reason for sending him to prison was the "offences are so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified, because the defendant has a flagrant disregard for people and their property, because the defendant has a flagrant disregard for court orders".

Wray was also ordered to pay compensation of £357.54.