A man who was taken to hospital after falling 20ft from a North East clifftop last week (Friday, December 15) following an alleged altercation remains in a critical condition, police have revealed.

Officers investigating an alleged assault at Whitburn Cliffs on South Tyneside have appealed for witnesses to come forward.

Shortly after 8.30am on Friday, December 15, police received a report of a disturbance on Whitburn Cliffs located within Whitburn Beach.

A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: "It was reported that four males had been involved in an alleged altercation when one of the men has fallen approximately 20ft onto the beach below.

"Three men – aged between 20 and 24 – were arrested in connection with the report. They have since been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and have appeared before magistrates in South Tyneside.

"The fourth man was taken to hospital with serious, life-threatening injuries. He remains there for treatment with his condition described as critical."

Police said an investigation was launched and a number of enquiries have been ongoing.

Today (Thursday, December 21) officers have appealed to the public for their help – and urged any further witnesses to come forward.

Detective Constable David Haddrell, of Northumbria Police, said: “This was a serious incident which has left a man in a critical condition.

“An investigation has been ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding the report – and officers have already carried out a number of enquiries.

“However, we know the area was busy at the time of the alleged altercation, with a number of members of the public on the clifftop path, particularly dog walkers.

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“Therefore, I would urge anyone who is yet to speak with officers to get in touch as soon as possible.

“Your information – no matter how insignificant it may seem – could really help us to piece together what happened.”

Anyone with information that could assist is asked to contact police by calling 101 or visiting the ‘Report’ pages of the Northumbria Police website, quoting log NP-20231215-0194.