Cummins has partnered with SafeLives, a UK charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, to launch a Safe Space programme for its employees.

Safe Space is designed to raise awareness and understanding of the impact of domestic abuse, as well as provide signposting support to employees through a network of ‘Signpost Champions’. Within Cummins, which has a huge campus at Darlington and is one of the key partners in The Northern Echo's Level Up campaign for investment and jobs, these have been trained by SafeLives to offer confidential signposting to local support services within 48 hours of a request.

Lynsey Corelli, Safe Space Programme Manager at Cummins, said: “Domestic abuse can come in many forms and affect many people, and sadly the figures in both the UK and Europe remain deeply shocking.

"Programmes like this can be life changing – and lifesaving – so it’s been incredible to see everyone at Cummins get behind it so passionately. Many of our Champions have come forward to volunteer themselves and help drive the programme in their local site, making sure that our entire network can access the right support.”

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“What started as a pilot programme in our Daventry site continues to grow and develop, and while the roll-out across Europe will be a huge milestone for us, we won’t stop there. We’re committed to providing a safe workplace where our employees can thrive – breaking the stigma around domestic abuse, continuing to educate and empower one another, and creating long-term impact, not only within Cummins, but the industry as a whole.”

Freya Potter, SafeLives Lead Trainer, said: “Virtually every employer will have staff who are affected by domestic abuse. The workplace is often one of the few places a survivor will say they felt like themselves or felt safe, which is why we are very pleased to see the introduction of Cummins’ Safe Space programme to protect and support its employees.

"Increasing understanding of domestic abuse, providing support and signposting survivors to vital services can transform lives. Domestic abuse is everybody’s business, and we hope many more organisations take positive action to support staff who may be suffering in silence."

According to Domestic Abuse Statistics UK, 1 in 5 people will experience domestic abuse during their lifetime, and it is estimated that less than 24% of this is reported. Three quarters (75%) of those that experience domestic abuse are targeted while they are at work.

To date, there are 24 Cummins Signpost Champions in the UK, with the programme set to roll out across the business’ sites in Turkey throughout December. In 2024, the programme will extend across all European sites, helping to reach over 10,000 employees.

As part of this roll-out, SafeLives will continue to train Signpost Champions across Cummins’ European sites to ensure a consistent standard and uniform approach, while at the same time bringing tailored insight and support to maximise impact.

Accessible and confidential online resources will also be available for all Cummins employees, as well as dedicated resources for the Champions to fully equip them in their roles.