A family of Christmas mad fundraisers are switching into the festive season with a spectacular display of lights in their front garden, and have arranged for Santa to visit in the run up to the big day.

Becci Gill and her parents Wilf and Marjory have transformed their home in Winton Road, Northallerton into a winter wonderland. They switched on the lights last week and are inviting people to come and see the fabulous display for themselves.

The Northern Echo: The Winton Road Christmas lights at Northallerton

They are raising money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Becci said: "The lights are on every day throughout December from 4pm to 10pm with visits from Santa between 4.30pm and 6pm on Saturday, December 9, 16 and 23, Thursday 21 and Friday 22.

"As a family we love Christmas and dad initially did the lights for the grandkids, and me. We have been doing it for years progressively getting bigger and bigger each year.

The Northern Echo: The Winton Road Christmas lights

"We started doing it for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance three years ago after we noticed a lot of people coming and asking to give to charity and we thought why not, so this is our fourth year of doing it for the YAA.

"There are now thousands of lights, I honestly could not estimate how many.

The Northern Echo: Visitors are asked to donate to the Yorkshire Air Ambualnce

"Dad dresses up as Santa on certain nights and we provide mince pies and sweets and juice for the kids. It’s just so lovely to see the joy on the children’s faces, and the adults come to that, and it’s very worthwhile raising money for such an important charity and to spread Christmas cheer. It’s become a tradition for us to put up the lights and for other families to come and visit."

The Northern Echo: Xmas mad family create winter wonderland in garden

The lights will be on display until after Christmas at Winton Road, Northallerton, postcode DL6 1QH