Residents have reacted after an alleged air rifle shooting took place outside their homes.

Police attended the scene at the Bowesfield Lane/Northcote Street area of Stockton on Wednesday (December 6).

A man, 31, reportedly suffered head injury, believed to be caused by an air rifle, and has since been released from hospital.

The Northern Echo:

Ten men were arrested in connection with the incident, and five men have since been charged and will appear in Teesside Magistrates Court today (December 7).

A man, 30, was charged with violent disorder, possession of an offensive weapon, possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence and attempted GBH with intent.

A man, 31, was charged with possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, attempted GBH with intent & assault an emergency worker.

Three men, aged 18, 25, and 50, have been charged with violent disorder.

The Northern Echo:

Residents said they were not surprised by the alleged altercation which took place in the Bowesfield Lane/Northcote Street area.

They added police are often in the area.

One resident on the street said: "It's common, all the time, all the time.

"I've just seen them run all up and down the road. Quite a lot of police.

"Someone came and threw bricks at the window."

Another resident who has lived on the street for 18 months said: "I got up about 2:30am, and I look out, and there's a load of police vans outside.

The Northern Echo:

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"Yeah, [it's] really common. I think it worries everybody."

Another resident who has lived in the area for nearly 30 years: "For the past two years, [violence] has been common.

"It's a s**thole, it's a s**thole now. Even the residents who supposedly love the area use it as a dump."