An Indian restaurant in Darlington is opening its doors on Christmas Day for those who need a warm space and some hot food.

The team at Babul’s in Darlington will be opening up their doors on Monday, December 25, for the second year running.

The popular Indian restaurant will be offering hot food and hot drinks for anyone who feels they need it, aiming to help the "homeless and vulnerable". 

Babul’s in Barnard Castle has opened on Christmas Day in previous years, but the Darlington restaurant, which opened in October of last year, has become a central location for people to meet.

The Northern Echo: Babul's, in Darlington, will open for Christmas.

They said: "We will be opening our doors this Christmas Day between 11 am and 3 pm to provide meals, hot drinks and supplies to the homeless, vulnerable, and anyone else in need. 

"With the cost of living crisis ongoing, this Christmas many people will still be struggling to put food on the table. 

"We are going to provide a safe and happy space where people can turn up without being judged, everyone who turns up will be able to enjoy a hot Christmas lunch with festive cheer. 

"We will need your help, and if you have the time to volunteer, please sign up using this link. Please spread the word!"

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Babul's have asked for supplies to be donated by anyone who wants to help out but cannot lend a hand on the day. 

They are asking for food, like crisps, snacks, tinned food, pasta, tea, coffee, biscuits, chocolate, squash and tins of fruit to be donated. 

They have also requested toiletries; like roll-on deodorant, bars of soap, flannels, shower gel, toothbrushes and toothpaste; and clothes, all new, like underwear, socks, hats, scarves, gloves, coats and jogging bottoms.