A man has been arrested following a Darlington crime wave and charged and found guilty of 31 offences.

Durham Police noticed a significant spike in crime in the West End of Darlington on Wednesday, with several vehicles being broken into in the Mowden area.

An engagement ring and dress worth £750 were stolen in one incident, while a rucksack containing a laptop, several hundreds of pounds in cash and bank cards were stolen in another.

Volume Crime Team officers identified 'prolific offender' Jamie Marriott, 34, as the suspect and brought him in for questioning.

The Northern Echo:

Detective Chief Inspector Neil Fuller said: “This was a formidable effort by our Volume Crime Team who worked non-stop for more than 26 hours to put a prolific Darlington offender back behind bars.

“This result will have a significant impact on crime rates in the local area and shows how dedicated our officers are to making Darlington a safer place for all.”

He was arrested on Wednesday (November 29) last week, and officers then worked for more than 26 hours on the case

Marriot was charged with 31 offences in total, including 14 counts of theft from a motor vehicle, 11 counts of vehicle interference, four counts of attempted theft from a vehicle, and two counts of burglary.

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He was remanded in custody to appear at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court on Thursday (November 30) where he admitted the offences.

Marriott, of no fixed abode, was jailed for 52 weeks and ordered to pay hundreds of pounds in compensation.

Report any unusual behaviour to Durham Police via 101 or 999 in an emergency.