Two unnamed police officers are facing disciplinary hearings after being accused of allowing a person to smoke suspected illicit drugs in front of them.

Both Cleveland Police officers are facing four allegations connected to an incident in September last year in Middlesbrough while they were on duty.

The pair face a gross misconduct hearing accused of breaching professional standards by ignoring the person trying to light the substance and switching off their body-worn cameras.

If found guilty they could be dismissed from the service and barred from working for any other police force across the country.

Officer A is alleged to have breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour in respect of:

  • On September 19, 2022, whilst on duty in Middlesbrough, Officer A allowed a victim to smoke something which suspected or ought to have suspected was a controlled substance in their and other witnesses’ presence.
  • On September 19, 2022, whilst on duty in Middlesbrough, Officer A allowed a victim to ignite or attempt to ignite something in circumstances which gave rise to a foreseeable risk of significant injury to the victim and others present.
  • On September 19, 2022, Officer A intentionally deactivated their body worn video to stop it recording. In doing so, they failed to capture evidence and/or sought to conceal what you went on to do/not do.
  • Thereafter, Officer A failed to be accurate and honest about the aforementioned. In particular, they did not give a complete, accurate and/or honest account:
  •  a) To medical professionals, in circumstances where they ought to have known that suspected ingestion of a controlled substance may be relevant to treatment and care;
  • b) In a signed witness statement, complete with a statement of truth, dated September 20, 2022; and
  • c) Whilst giving evidence in court on February 28, 2023.

The above conduct breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour relating to Discreditable Conduct; Duties and Responsibilities; Honesty and Integrity; and amounts to gross misconduct.

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Officer B is alleged to have breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour in respect of:

  • On September 19, 2022, whilst on duty In Middlesbrough, Officer B allowed a victim to smoke something suspected to be a controlled substance in their and other witnesses’ presence. Further or in the alternative, Officer B failed to challenge or report Officer A.
  • On September 19, 2022, whilst on duty in Middlesbrough, Officer B allowed a victim to ignite or attempt to ignite something in circumstances gave rise to a foreseeable risk of significant injury to the victim and others present. Further or in the alternative, Officer B failed to challenge or report Officer A.
  • On September 19, 2022, Officer B intentionally deactivated their body worn video so as to stop it recording. In doing so, they failed to capture evidence and/or sought to conceal what you went on to do/not do.
  • Thereafter, Officer B failed to be open and honest about the aforementioned to medical professionals, in circumstances where they ought to have known that suspected ingestion of a controlled substance may be relevant to treatment and care.

The above conduct breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour relating to Challenging and Reporting Improper Conduct; Discreditable Conduct; Duties and Responsibilities; Honesty and Integrity; and amounts to gross misconduct.

The hearing to be held at The Destiny Centre, Norton Road, Norton, Stockton, in front of a legally qualified chair, is expected to start at 10am on Monday, December 4.