A paedophile who had a sexualised conversation with a police officer posing as a 12-year-old girl has been jailed.

Michael Taylor told the ‘girl’ he would like to touch her, dry her after she had been in the shower and watch her get dressed.

The 62-year-old, who has four daughters, looked to book transport for the ‘girl’ to travel from the West Midlands to his flat in Seaham.

The Northern Echo: Michael Taylor Michael Taylor (Image: Contributor)Uzma Kahn, prosecuting at Durham Crown Court on Friday, said he used social media apps such as Kik and Whatsapp to communicate with the ‘child’.

But Taylor was unaware that 'Dani' was in fact an undercover police officer.

Taylor was arrested and he was charged with an attempt to engage in sexual communication with a child, breach of his sexual harm prevention order, breach of sexual offenders' register requirements and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

A number of devices were also seized from Taylor’s address, including his mobile phone, which formed a huge part of the investigation.

The court was told Taylor was given a 12-month sentence prison sentence, which was suspended for 18 months, two years ago for similar offending.

Taylor, of Albert Street, who enter guilty pleas to all charges, was sentenced to 45 months in prison.

He will have to sign the sex offenders' register and be subject to a sexual harm prevention order indefinitely. 

Recorder Paul Reid said: “This behaviour is so egregious only an immediate custodial sentence is appropriate. It is aggravated by a previous conviction for similar offences.”

Mitigating, Tony Cornberg, said his client was ‘in denial’ to some extent and about the seriousness of his offences.

He said: “He denied any sexual interest in children.

“Clearly, he needs to accept certain realities, facing up to the fact that he sent these messages, not necessarily because it is just fantasy but even if it is, it is a bizarre fantasy.

“He has to accept a sexual predilection is one of those realities.

“This is a man who is very isolated from his family with what is described as ‘some clear thinking deficits’.”

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Detective Sergeant Richard Blamires, from Durham Constabulary’s Public Protection Unit, said Taylor’s offending was ‘extremely concerning’.

He said: “Although there was no victims in this case, it clearly shows his willingness to act on his heinous sexual desires.

“I hope today’s outcome provides the public with some comfort knowing Taylor is behind bars and demonstrates our commitment to dealing with sex offenders in our county.”