Planning officers have recommended controversial proposals to expand a Yorkshire Dales hotel and build holiday lodges near a popular beauty spot be approved, despite scores of objections.

The Aysgarth Falls Hotel, near the A684, is hoping to get permission for 14 new lodges and an extension to the hotel building.

The parish council has expressed strong resistance to the plans with concerns about the plans being out of keeping with the area.

Planning officers have brushed these worries aside despite recognising that the proposal "represents a more intensive use of the site" than is considered acceptable.

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The report submitted by the planning inspectors states: "The hotel lodges would be serviced hotel rooms, intrinsuically linked to the hotel enterprise, and are acceptable in principle as an alternative to an extension to the hotel. 

"Although the proposal represents a more intensive use of the site it is considered to be acceptable in landscape, visual impact and neighbour amenity terms (subject to conditions).

"It provides for biodiversity net gain and addresses environmental, economic and social sustainability.

"Some harm will arise from the loss of the tent and touring caravan pitches but this is considered to be offset by the benefits of providing a year round tourism offer, plus economic and employment benefits in a sustainable location.

"Overall, it is considered that the development satisfies the Sandford Principle and would not undermine the conservation of the landscape, wildlife or cultural heritage of the National Park."

The report does outline a number of conditions which will need to be satisfied for permission to be granted.

This includes:

  • Three years for implementation
  • Compliance with approved plans
  • Materials to be agreed
  • Number of lodges limited to 14
  • External lighting to be agreed
  • Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation
  • Recording of the piggery building to Historic England Level 3
  • Drainage details
  • Landscaping to be agreed, approved, carried out and maintained
  • Biodiversity enhancement to be approved, carried out and maintained
  • Short stay visitor accomodation only

The Aysgarth and District Parish Council previously told the planning department: "It is an expansion which is totally out of keeping with the area and will permanently change its nature.

"We feel this development does not add anything the area needs, but it does take away facilities that the area cannot afford to lose and will permanently damage the local economy and landscape.

"It is commercialisation on a grand scale better suited to larger urban areas such as Leyburn where there is already a large hotel development under consideration.

"We believe that in planning terms this development is not in the public interest, particularly locally, because of its damaging impact on the local economy, and thereby the local community as a whole, and for its lasting detrimental effect on the environment, the landscape character, and recreational opportunities."