Residents say they are 'fed up' of prostitution happening outside their homes during school pick-up and drop-off times and finding condoms daily at their properties.

The shocking issue came up during Stockton Council’s first full council meeting since its summer break.

The agenda was packed with questions and topics for council leaders’ consideration.

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Eight questions to leading councillors touched on inconsiderate parking, abandoned bus routes and a number of ongoing issues.

However, it was the issue of prostitution which sparked most debate from the public and councillors during the meeting.

Councillor Shakeel Hussain, representing Ropner ward, said: “The residents of Yarm Road have had to put up with sex workers on their doorsteps for the last 15 or so years.

The residents have had enough.” He said this happened in daytime including school drop-off and pick-up times, with a member of public saying they had to pick up used condoms on a daily basis.

The Northern Echo: The issue of prostitution was debated at Stockton's full council meetingThe issue of prostitution was debated at Stockton's full council meeting (Image: PA MEDIA)

Cllr Norma Stephenson, cabinet member for community safety, said it needed a sensitive, thoughtful, empathetic and varied approach to a complex issue considering residents’ safety and sex workers’ rights and needs, talking to them and offering alternatives.

She said sex workers were often victims of addiction, abuse and control by organised criminals, and support services helped get them out of it, stop exploitation, tackle causes and lessen risks.

She said there had been more police patrols and CCTV, improved street lighting, with more work planned in the police’s “Clear, Hold, Build” strategy, and they were hoping for government funding for interventions.

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“By working together we can find solutions that respect the rights and dignity of everyone in our community,” she said.

Cllr Hussain added: “How many of us members would like to step outside our front door and be greeted with sex workers? I understand there’s complexities, but the residents aren’t bothered. For them, their concern is their safety and their families’ safety.”

Cllr Stephenson replied the council was following government guidelines, which were “not to rid the streets of sex workers, they’re to work with sex workers”.