Two teenagers from Crook are guilty of driving offences after being found with illegal off-road bikes during a police crackdown. 

Operation Endurance, carried out by police officers in Crook, County Durham, is working to tackle antisocial behaviour and illegal off-road bike use. 

18-year-olds Lewis Bennison and Liam Caine have now been found guilty of driving offences, fined, and given community service orders after illegally driving their bikes.

Bennison received a £440 fine, paying court costs of £90 and £176 surcharge to victim services whilst also receiving 6 penalty points.

Caine will carry out 180 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months and pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £114 whilst also receiving 6 penalty points. He is also disqualified from driving for a further 28 months.

Crook Neighbourhood Team thanked the local community for helping them to build a case against the duo, saying: "This result would not have been possible without the help of vigilant residents working with us to address issues in the local area.

"We hope that this sends out a clear message to those who continue to commit offences relating to off-road bikes - we will continue to investigate and prosecute those responsible."