Pictures captured today show the North East being lashed with rain and beginning to flood as Met Office yellow weather warnings continue to stay in place.

Roads have been submerged in water and fields have become swamps as the day has gone on.

Pictures show the A1 covered in standing water as motorists chance their luck driving through the rain.

Farmers crops have been completely submerged by water and buffetted by strong winds during the extreme weather throughout the day.

It comes as the Met Office's warnings of heavy rain and flooding continue to be in place into the night.

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The yellow warning of heavy rain in the North East will continue until 8pm tonight and covers most of the coastal areas.

Pictures have shown Darlington town centre absolutely drenched and picnic areas completely flooded.

Warnings say that the flooding of businesses and homes in the North East is likely.

Spray and water on the roads is expected to make journey times significantly longer too.

Interruptions to power supplies at home are also likely.

Bus and train services may be affected by the extreme weather conditions.

However, the Met Office do predict that the weather will improve over the next couple of days.

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In County Durham there are currently three flooding alerts warning residents that they are at risk.

They include: Middlesbrough Becks, River Gaunless and the Tyne and Wear coast.

Check out pictures from the rainy weather today below:

The Northern Echo: Standing water has covered the A1 during the heavy rain

The Northern Echo: Milbank Road in Darlington has been badly flooded

The Northern Echo: The A66 where it becomes a single lane has seen a lot of spray from cars

The Northern Echo: Darlington town centre

The Northern Echo: The A1 has had standing water throughout the day

The Northern Echo: Broken scar picnic area has been completely flooded

The Northern Echo: Crops have endured a day of unrelenting rainThe Northern Echo: Farmer in a tractor surveying the crops

The Northern Echo: Broken Scar picnic area

The Northern Echo: Crops have become waterlogged during the days rainfall

To check if your area has a flooding alert, click here.