A pervert has admitted attempting to engage in sexual activity with a child when he made a brief appearance in court.

Michael Franklin also admitted sexual communication with a child, making an indecent image of a child and two charges of possession of extreme pornography, when he appeared at Teesside Crown Court.

The-76-year-old’s offending took place between September 2019 and August 2020, a judge heard.

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The case against the Darlington pensioner, who lives on Oakland Terrace, was adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be compiled by the Probation Service.

Recorder Paul Reid warned the pensioner he was facing a possible prison sentence for the offences.

He said: “You must cooperate with the probation service in the preparation of your pre-sentence report. I want to know a bit more about you, that’s not to give you any indication of the sentence the court will impose on you.

“All sentencing options, including custody, remain open.”

Franklin will return to court to be sentenced for the child sex offences on August 29.